
  • Google Workspace

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    Google Workspace

    Productivity and Collaboration Software Support

    Google Workspace
    • A cloud solution that supports productivity and collaboration software.
    • You can use Google's web services such as Gmail, Drive, Meet, Chat, and Sheets.
    • You can use the calendar to manage and share your company calendar.
    • Collaborate documents by collaborating with others without installing a separate application.
    • You can easily perform complex data operations on the web.
    • You can easily create presentations and publish and share slides on the Internet.
    • You can work anywhere, anytime.
    • Cloud-based enables instant communication and collaboration with team members anytime, anywhere
    • Access through the app is possible even outside the office due to out-of-office work or business trips.
    • Sync your apps using a workspace so you can use them offline too.
    • Keep your files safe on any device
    • With Google Drive, you can keep your documents, spreadsheets, and more in one place.
    • Excellent security with 100% encrypted email, two-factor authentication, AI detection, and more
    • You can quickly edit documents and presentations on the web.
    • You can create and edit documents in your browser using Google Docs, Sheets, etc.
    • Real-time editing and collaboration are possible through commenting and chatting.